Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

Cheat Tomb Raider: Legend



Entry location:
During gameplay
Hold L and press X, Up, Y, B, Up, Right

Infinite Ammo

Entry location:
During gameplay
Hold L and press A, Y, X, Up, A, B
Xbox 360

Double Barrel Shotgun

Hold LT, then press RT, Y, X, Y, A, B, LB, A


These cheats are unlockable and are available in the Speicials menu once unlocked.

No Textures - Beat the game at any difficulty level.
The Soul Reaver - Complete the game and every time trial.

Beat the following times in time trial:

Show Enemy Health - Beat Bolivia in under 12:30
Bulletproof - Beat England in under 27:00
One Hit Kills - Beat Bolivia in under 4:15
Infinite Shotgun Ammo - Beat Ghana in under 20:00
Infinite Grenade Launcher - Beat Kazakhstan in under 27:10
Infinite RC650 Ammo - Beat Japan in under 12:15
Infinite MG415 Ammo - Beat Peru in under 21:30
Excalibur - Beat Nepal in under 13:40


Entry location:
During gameplay once the cheat has been unlocked
Hold L, then: X, O, X, R, Square, Triangle - Infinite Assualt Rifle Ammo
Hold L, then: R, Triangle, R, O, R, Square - Infinite Grenade Launcher
Hold L, then: R, O, Square, R, Square, X - Infinite Shotgun Ammo
Hold L, then: O, Triangle, R, R, X, O - Infinite SMG Ammo
Hold L, then: X, R, Triangle, R, Square, R - Bulletproof
Hold L, then: Square, Circle, X, R, R, Triangle - Draw Enemy Health
Hold L, then: Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, R, O - One Shot Kill
Hold L, then: Triangle, X, O, R, Triangle, R - Wield Excalibur
Hold L, then: X, R, O, R, R, Square - Wield Soul Reaver

Wield Soul Reaver

Hold L2, then press X, R1, O, R1, L1, square.

Bulletproof Mode

Entry location:
During gameplay
Press and hold Left Trigger, then press A, Right Trigger, Y, Right Trigger, X, Black

Draw Health from Enemies

Entry location:
During gameplay
Press and hold Left Trigger, then press X, Y, A, Black, Right Trigger, Y

Weild Excalibur

Entry location:
During gameplay
Press and hold Black, then press Y, A, B, Right, Y, Left

Infinite Ammo: Assault Rifle

Entry location:
During gameplay
Press and hold Black, then press A, B, A, Left, X, Y

Infinite Ammo: Shotgun

Entry location:
During gameplay
Press and hold Black, then press Right, B, X, Left, X, A

Infinite Ammo: SMG

Entry location:
During gameplay
Press and hold Black, then press B, Y, Left, Right, A, B

Weild Soul Reaver

Entry location:
During gameplay
Press and hold Black, then press A, Right, B, Right, Left, X

Infinite Ammo: Grenade Launcher

Entry location:
During gameplay
Press and hold Black, then press A, Right, B, Right, Left, X

Note on Cheats

You may need to defeat the game (on any difficulty setting) to activate cheat mode.

Note About Cheats

The cheats won't work unless they're unlocked in the Extras option. To unlock them, find all of the rewards in each level and this will not only unlock cheats but it will also unlock various bios, cutscenes,and outfits.

Wield Soul Reaver

Entry location:
To unlock code, successfully complete game with a 100% completion.
Hold [Backspace] and press 0 during game play.

Textureless Mode

Entry location:
To unlock code, successfully complete game.
Hold [Backspace] and press 1 during game play.

One Shot Kill

Entry location:
To unlock code, complete Bolivia Redux level in Time Trial mode in under 4:15.
Hold [Backspace] and press 8 during game play.

Bulletproof Lara

Entry location:
To unlock code, complete England level in Time Trial mode under 27:00.
Hold [Backspace] and press 7 during game play.

Unlimited Assault Rifle Ammo

Entry location:
To unlock code, complete Japan level in Time Trial mode under 12:15.
Hold [Backspace] and press 4 during game play.

Unlimited Grenades

Entry location:
To unlock code, complete Kazakhstan level in Time Trial mode under 27:10.
Hold [Backspace] and press 5 during game play.

Unlimited SMG Ammo

Entry location:
To unlock code, complete Peru level in Time Trial mode in under 21:30.
Hold [Backspace] and press 6 during game play.

Draw Enemy Health

Entry location:
To unlock code, complete Bolivia level in Time Trial mode under 12:30.
Hold [Backspace] and press 2 during game play.

Wield Excalibur

Entry location:
To unlock code, complete Nepal level in Time Trial mode under 13:40.
Hold [Backspace] and press 9 during game play.

Infinite Grenade Ammo

Entry location:
Beat the game, then enter the cheat during gameplay.
Hold L2 and press L1, Triangle, R1, O, L1, Square

Infinite Shotgun Ammo

Entry location:
Beat the game, then enter the cheat during gameplay.
Hold L2 and press R1, O, Square, L1, Square, X

Infinite SMG Ammo

Entry location:
Beat the game, then enter the cheat during gameplay.
Hold L2 and press O, Triangle, L1, R1, X, O

Bulletproof Lara

Entry location:
Beat the game, then enter the cheat during gameplay.
Hold L1 and press X, R1, Triangle, R1, Square, L2

One Shot Kill

Entry location:
Beat the game, then enter the cheat during gameplay.
Hold L1 and press Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, L2, O

Wield Excalibur

Entry location:
Beat the game, then enter the cheat during gameplay.
Hold L2M and press Triangle, X, O, R1, Triangle, L1

Textureless Mode

Entry location:
Beat the game, then enter the cheat during gameplay.
Hold L1 and press L2, X, O, X, Triangle, R1

Draw Enemy Health

Entry location:
Beat the game, then enter the cheat during gameplay.
Hold L1 and press Square, O, X, L2, R1, Triangle

Infinite Assult Rifle Ammo

Entry location:
Beat the game, then enter the cheat during gameplay.
Hold L2 and press X, O, X, L1, Square, Triangle
Xbox 360

Textureless Mode

Entry location:
Beat the game, then enter the cheat during gameplay.
Pull and hold LT and press LB, A, B, A, Y, RT
Xbox 360

Draw Enemy Health

Entry location:
Beat the game, then enter the cheat during gameplay.
Pull and hold LT and press X, B, A, LB, RT, Y
Xbox 360

Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo

Entry location:
Beat the game, then enter the cheat during gameplay.
Press and hold LB and press A, B, A, LT, X, Y
Xbox 360

Infinite Grenade Ammo

Entry location:
Beat the game, then enter the cheat during gameplay.
Press and hold LB and press LT, Y, RT, B, LT, X
Xbox 360

Infinite Shotgun Ammo

Entry location:
Beat the game, then enter the cheat during gameplay.
Press and hold LB and press RT, B, X, LT, X, A
Xbox 360

Infinite SMG Ammo

Entry location:
Beat the game, then enter the cheat during gameplay.
Press and hold LB and press B, Y, LT, RT, A, B
Xbox 360

Bulletproof Lara

Entry location:
Beat the game, then enter the cheat during gameplay.
Pull and hold LT and press A, RT, Y, RT, X, LB
Xbox 360

One Shot Kill

Entry location:
Beat the game, then enter the cheat during gameplay.
Pull and hold LT and press Y, A, Y, X, LB, B
Xbox 360

Wield Excalibur

Entry location:
Beat the game, then enter the cheat during gameplay.
Press and hold LT and press Y, A, B, RT, Y, LT
Xbox 360

Wield Soul Reaver

Entry location:
Beat the game, then enter the cheat during gameplay.
Press and hold LB and press A, RT, B, RT, LT, X
Xbox 360

Japan: Gold Statue

When you reach a room which has a hanging dragon in it, you will find a large red box. Throw it to the floor to break it. You will get a gold statue that gives you a new costume.
Xbox 360

Ghana: Gold Statue

At the end of the level, when you stand on button that opens the timed door, do not enter that door. Instead, go to the under the door to find a golden statue.
PSP Xbox 360 Xbox PS2 GameCube PC

How to Kill the Guy Who Knows Amanda

When you start out, you have four ledges around you and the annoying guy. He obviously has a sword fragment, but he's also got tons of grenades. Shoot him a bit, then grapple down (press X and hold Y) to the ledge he jumps onto to stop him from regenerating his health. Repeat with the other ledges and just shoot him until he's dead. Be careful of the grenades he throws.
PSP Xbox 360 Xbox PS2 GameCube PC

How to Kill the Japanese Yakuza Boss

Forget about running around on the ground. There's a booty load of turrets. Run behind one of the statues. There'll be a pole. Climb up it and jump back onto the upper level. Once there, chase the guy down and continually shoot at him. Instead of jumping and rolling to make his green attacks miss, you can usually run behind a statue, then shoot. He'll throw more combos at you near the end.

Guns in Croft Manor

When you start out in the manor, go up the stairs and to the left. Go to the door at the end of the hall. Keep going to the next door. When you enter the second door, turn left to the wall. Pull the two switches and their you go (Also, as you enter the second door, turn right and enter closet to change clothes).
PSP Xbox 360 Xbox PS2 GameCube PC

Gold Rewards in Croft Manor

First you need to have the grapple, light, and the guns. Then you go to the study and pull the first book holder, which is behind the wooden plank that you need to shoot, onto the stone panel on the floor. Then above you will see another - shoot/grapple that and it will fall down. Push that onto the other panel and a door should open. If not, go in and out of the room.
Second, where the dark corridor is, use your light to see around. There will be a tiger's tongue - press it and a wall should flip around, with writing about 2 twin sisters above the water. Get out of there and head to the pool area and pull out all of those statue things, then climb onto the lowest one. Swing on the pole and shimmy across the ledge, then swing on the pole onto the big platform with a diving board.
Thirdly, turn the 2 statues opposite each other, and the wall should flip around revealing yet another clue about some Gods and the knowledge. So head back to the study and pull out the books in the right order: blue, green, green, red. A bookshelf should open with a silver reward and another clue.
Last, you need to head to the main hallway and touch both tiger tongues and both sides of the balcony. A high block should rise up from the floor with a gold reward on it. Grapple those swing bars from the glass wall and get to the end of the middle one and drop onto the block.
The Gold award should give you two new outfits for Lara.
Xbox 360

Xbox Live Achievements

Collect 5 Bronze Rewards
Collect 35 Bronze Rewards
Collect 60 Bronze Rewards
Collect 15 Silver Rewards
Collect 30 Silver Rewards
Collect 5 Gold Rewards
Completed Bolivia
Completed Peru
Completed Tokyo
Completed Ghana
Completed Kazakhstan
Completed England
Completed Nepal
Completed the adventure
Completed the hard adventure (Tombraider difficulty)
Completed Bolivia Time Trial
Completed Peru Time Trial
Completed Tokyo Time Trial
Completed Ghana Time Trial
Completed Kazakhstan Time Trial
Completed England Time Trial
Completed Nepal Time Trial
Completed All Time Trials

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