Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

Cheat Rise of Nations

Rise of Nations Cheats
Turn off CPU control
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat human (human[who]) - turn off computer control

Turn On CPU control
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat computer (computer[who]) - turn on computer control

Defeat Nation
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat defeat (defeat[who]) - defeat nation

Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat victory (victory[who]) - victory for nation

Tech Cheat
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat tech (tech[who][tech|all][(on|off)]) - show or change technology

Resource Cheat
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat resource (resource[who][goodtype|all][+|-][amount])

Show/Change Age
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat age (age[age][who]) - show or change age for nation

Show/Change Military Level
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat military (military[level][who]) - show or change military level

Show/Change Civic Level
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat civic (civic[level][who]) - show or change civic level for nation

Show/Change Commerce Level
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat commerce (commerce[level][who]) - show or change commerce level

Show/Change Science Level
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat science (science[level][who]) - show or change science level for nation

Show/Change Library Tech Levels
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat library (library[level][who]) - show or change all library tech levels

Toggle Bounding Box Mode
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat bbox (1|0) - Toggle bounding box mode

Show Combat Ranges
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat ranges (1|0) - show combat ranges

Kill Selected
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat die (die[o[,who]|select]) - kill object or all selected

Adjust Damage
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat damage (damage(o[,who]|select)[+|-]damage ) - adjust damage to object or all selected

Insert Unit
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat insert (insert[#]typename[who=RED][x,y]) - insert unit or building at mouse loc

Finish Building
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat finish (finish) - Finishes selected building(s) or next item in queue

Drop Wild Bird
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat bird - Drop a Wild Bird at Mouse

Drop Nuke
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat nuke - Drop a Nuke at mouse position

Pack Units
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat pack - Packs the currently selected unit(s), if they are packing units

Deploy Units
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat deploy - Deploys the currently selected unit(s), if they are deploying units

Reveal Map
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat reveal (reveal[1|0]) - toggle reveal map

Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat explore (explore[normal|explored|all]) - change game explore config

pause game
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat pause [1|0]

all players human/map to reveal all
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat sandbox

Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat ai [on|off|debug]

Reinforce Human Capitols
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat safe - safe creates lots of machine guns around every human capital

Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat diff [?:0-5] - sets difficulty

Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat achieve - Display Achievements

Force alliance
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat ally (ally[who]) - force alliance with nation

Force peace
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat peace (peace[who]) - force peace with nation

Force war
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat war (war[who]) - force war with nation

Force Encounter
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat meet (meet[who]) - force encounter with nation

Force Encounter Off
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

cheat unmeet (unmeet[who]) - force encounter-off with nation

Insert Unit/Building
Entry Location:
Hit ENTER and type in a code

Rise of Nations Hint
Build An Invincible Army
Entry Location:

If you want to build an invincible army that will not lose then follow these Hints!
1. early in the game you need to focus on making large amount of resource gatherers (woodcutters camps, farms, mines, ect.) this will make sure you do not run out of funds early on. (throughout the game at least 25% of you total population should be civilians, even up to 60% early in the game.

2.first research military tech 1 (red), build a barracks, then 2 archers, 2 heavy and 2 light infantry. after this research civic, commerce, and science levels 1 and 2 each. immediately build as many cities as possible. then build up as many non military buildings as possible around each city (farms, universities, temples, ect.).

3. after you have built at least 3 full cities THEN AND ONLY THEN FOCUS ON BUILDING A STRONG MILITARY.
4. this strategy works on AI levels easiest- normal. NOT against human players or hard AI.

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